Getting started

Processing Content

We briefly discussed the use of Swanky Processors in the Adding Content section of this guide. This section will aim to go into more detail on how to use processors and what processors are currently available for Swanky Docs.

What is a Processor?

Out of the box Swanky will process HTML and Markdown files without any extra configuration. If you have a file format that is not natively supported by Swanky you may need to invoke the awesome power and flexibility of Swanky Processors. A processor is an additional configuration option that tells Swanky how to read and interpret the source.

Available Processors

Processor Description Repo
Swanky ngDocs Processor An ngdocs flavour processor for documentation generated using the Swanky Docs framework. Github Swanky JSDoc Processor

Can't see your processor here? Drop us a line. We would love to know about it.

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